SFCS is now an Institution of Public Character (IPC). IPC is a status accorded to a registered charity allowing tax deduction for qualifying donations.

SFCS will continue to conduct seminars and workshops for the public and the medical profession to improve continence care within the local community.

We welcome all donations to help further this important work.

Donate your CDC Vouchers

Your unspent CDC Vouchers from 2024 can still make a difference. Though the vouchers have expired, you have till 31 January 2025 to donate them to Society for Continence Singapore to empower living healthily and age gracefully.

To donate your CDC Vouchers, you can click

1. Simply go to CDC’s website

2. Click on “Donate CDC Vouchers 2024”

3. Search for the keyword “Society for Continence Singapore” from the list of participating charities


Problem that incontinence caregivers at home

First off, let me wish all of you a Happy and Prosperous Chinese New Year! This is our first editorial post for 2022 and I want to start off by talking about a problem that incontinence caregivers at home or maybe, even incontinence patients themselves, may sometimes neglect – skincare. A person with incontinence is not able to prevent urine and stool from leaking, and is at risk for skin problems around the buttocks and genital areas. Urine and stool can damage the skin at these areas, causing redness, irritation and soreness. This can be distressing, uncomfortable and isolating. While ...

SCFS’s first editorial!

Dear friends of SFCS, Welcome to SCFS’s first editorial! This will be the first in a regular (monthly) series of editorials where we talk about issues central to the theme of “Restoring Dignity to Incontinence Sufferers”. In Singapore, 10-40% of the population is estimated to suffer from some form of urinary incontinence, while about 4.7% suffers from faecal incontinence. These are not uncommon conditions. Yet, incontinence remains a taboo subject for many members of the general public and incontinence patients. The condition remains highly misunderstood, and many sufferers are reluctant to come out to speak about their experiences dealing with ...


Bedwetting in Children

Bedwetting is a common condition seen in children aged 5 years and above, affecting about 15% of children. Bedwetting refers to the occurrence of intermittent urinary incontinence (loss of bladder ...

Bedwetting in Children (Part 3)

1) Is bedwetting a problem that needs therapy? Yes, this is especially when the child is already at school going age and bedwetting (As the condition specifically refers the one ...

Bedwetting in Children (Part 2)

What are the causes of bedwetting? The exact causes are unknown. Various factors or causes that have been implicated include: Heredity - Bedwetting runs in a family; Inability to wake ...

Bedwetting in Children (Ages 5 and above)

1. What is bedwetting? Bedwetting is uncontrollable wetting while being asleep by an otherwise healthy child beyond early childhood. Most bedwetters seeking treatment in Singapore are: 1. Five years or ...